He slipped in through the shadows…

He slipped in through the shadows, cloaked in rich furs. His loud roar frightened me at first… protective and ready to slash the throats of any who would hurt me. He was ready to claim me and call me His on our first encounter. His giant fur clad paws caressed me and lulled me to be His along with his low growl meant only for me. I was hesitant and fled for a moment…only to return hours later in tears. I heard the tears behind His voice as I apologized and said I was afraid… afraid to love Him. He pulled me close and soothed my fears, comforting me as He always does. I run to Him when I’m hurt and afraid… when I have happy moments to share. He leans on me to share His sorrows and joys… I am HIS Kitten. I know His ferocious heart… He will fight to the death to protect His Kitten and make me happy. I’m slow to show how much I really care for my Lion, MY Daddy. He knows my hurts and patiently draws my trust with His consistency, gentle growls, strong possession of me as He claims me. He strokes my heart and mind, not only my body with His furry paws and mane. I surrender to Him. I surrender my body to His use and pleasure…. and my heart to His protection within His own. He wraps me in His great arms and pulls me close, tickling my tummy making me giddy… and kisses me to the depths of my soul. He binds me, fucks me, caresses me, holds me… but mostly, He loves me. He slipped in through the shadows and wrapped my heart in His.

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